Personal Website of Juho Välimäki

On the road to becoming a machine learning engineer — in particular, I'm looking to specialize in computer vision and robotics later on. Currently focusing heavily on mathematics and physics. Right now this website is mainly used for personal note-taking.

What gets measured gets done.

Reading List (as of Sep 30)

  • Calculus, Volume I by Tom M. Apostol (currently reading)
  • Linear Algebra by Georgi E. Shilov


  • 16 Oct 2024: Apostol p. 240-294 and 315-328, skimmed over p. 295-314
  • 16 Oct 2024: Apostol p. 201-240
  • 15 Oct 2024: Nothing
  • 8-14 Oct 2024: Apostol p. 138-201
  • 2-7 Oct 2024: Apostol p. 82-138