Feature Engineering - Day 15 of ML

Jun 22, 2024
5 min read

Time spent: 2.5h
Total: 41h/10000h

Feature engineering is the process of optimizing input variables in order to optimize the performance of ML models. This article should serve as a very brief and shallow introduction to some of the most used feature engineering mechanisms.

Let’s look into some terminology first. Let’s consider our dataset of labeled examples: S={(xi,yi)}i=1NS = \{(x_i, y_i)\}_{i=1}^N. Every element xix_i is called a feature vector — it’s a vector of features, which are items that describe the data point somehow, e.g. the price and mileage of a car. The jjth feature of xix_i is denoted xi(j)x_i^{(j)}.

There are two kinds of data that the machine learning models can find useful:

  1. Numerical data - this could be the mileage of a car, or the salary of a person. This kind of data is numric in the sense that it has an inherent ordering — the distance between two values can be quantified. Numerical data is also referred to quantifiable data.
  2. Categorical data - data that is drawn from a finite collection of categories. For example, gender or ZIP codes. Note that ZIP codes can be mistaken as numerical data! Although the data can seem numerical, it doesn’t have an inherent ordering.

Machine learning algorithms don’t like categorical data; they only think in terms of numbers. So, we usually want to convert categorical data into a format that is more convenient for the model to use. We can transform categorical data into something called binary data, to avoid having the model create an artificial sense of ordering for the attribute. Let’s look further into this.

One-Hot Encoding

One-hot encoding is a process of transforming categorical data into binary data. How one-hot encoding works is it creates a binary attribute for every possible value of the categorical attribute.

Consider this as our example dataset:

Name Address Zip Code Age
John Doe 123 Main St 12345 25
Jane Smith 456 Oak Ave 67890 40
Bob Johnson 789 Pine Rd 54321 67

Let’s encode the zip code into binary attributes with one-hot encoding. This is how the dataset will look afterwards:

Name Address Age Zip Code 12345 Zip Code 67890 Zip Code 54321
John Doe 123 Main St 25 1 0 0
Jane Smith 456 Oak Ave 40 0 1 0
Bob Johnson 789 Pine Rd 67 0 0 1

It matches every case and thus gives the data a more convenient format. This also ensures that the algorithm doesn’t think there is an inherent ordering in the zip codes, although they seem numerical.

Binning / Discretization

We can also convert numerical data into binary data. Binning (more officially known as discretization) does exactly that. It divides the numerical data into intervals or “bins”. Let’s see how this works. Imagine the previous dataset again, but slightly expanded:

Name Address Zip Code Age
John Doe 123 Main St 12345 25
Jane Smith 456 Oak Ave 67890 40
Bob Johnson 789 Pine Rd 54321 67
Alice Brown 321 Maple St 12345 15
Charlie Lee 654 Birch Blvd 67890 85

Let’s do binning on the age attribute. It is essentially like one-hot encoding as well, so the following table will have a similar structure to the previously encoded table:

Name Address Zip Code Age 0-18 Age 19-35 Age 36-50 Age 51+
John Doe 123 Main St 12345 0 1 0 0
Jane Smith 456 Oak Ave 67890 0 0 1 0
Bob Johnson 789 Pine Rd 54321 0 0 0 1
Alice Brown 321 Maple St 12345 1 0 0 0
Charlie Lee 654 Birch Blvd 67890 0 0 0 1

Why do we do binning? Well, it helps simplify the data for the machine learning models. It helps in noise reduction since the reduces the effect of outliers or minor variations since they are grouped into their own attribute.


Normalization is a procedure where we turn numeric data of an arbitrary scale to a common scale, such as all values in the range [0,1][0, 1] or [1,1][-1, 1]. The point is to do this without distorting the differences of the values.

Normalization is great since it helps us achieve consistency between the different attributes. Imagine you had two attributes like age and income. Age would be in the range 0-100, and income in the range 0-1000000. Normalization makes these features easier to compare. The machine learning model may also give bias to features with larger values, so normalization helps prevent that as well.

There are two typical methods of normalization:

  1. Min-max normalization. This rescales the values to fit a range from [0,1][0, 1]. It is mathematically defined as x=xmin(x)max(x)min(x)x' = \frac{x - \min(x)}{\max(x) - \min(x)}, where xx' is the scaled value and min(x)\min(x) and max(x)\max(x) are the minimum and maximum values in the dataset respectively.
  2. Z-score normalization (otherwise known as standardization). The goal of this is to rescale the data so that it has a mean of 00 and a standard deviation of 11. It is mathematically defined as x=xμσx' = \frac{x - \mu}{\sigma}, where μ\mu is the mean and σ\sigma is the standard deviation.

Other Techniques

These techniques are brief to the point where they don’t have to be gone over in great detail.

Dealing With Missing Features

Some examples may missing features, and here are some ways to deal with that:

  1. Remove the example with the missing feature
  2. Use a data imputation technique for placing some value in place of the missing feature. For example, you can replace the missing value with the average value of that feature in the dataset: x^=1Ni=1Nxi(j)\hat x = \frac{1}{N} \sum\limits_{i=1}^N{x^{(j)}_i}.

Forming New Features and Deleting Features

We can use two features and merge them into one feature to highlight their relationship. For example, height and weight can be combined into a BMI feature.

We can also delete features that may be irrelevant to the model to make the model simpler. For example, we often don’t need the names of people in our dataset since they rarely have any meaningful correlation with any of the data.


I think we’ve gone over the most frequently used feature engineering techniques now. There sure are more, but I think this fits the scope of the post well.

Further reading:

— Juho, https://vlimki.dev