
Jul 3, 2024

Day 25 of Machine Learning

Worked a lot on my Haskell neural net, also started another ML-related Haskell project.

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Jul 2, 2024

Day 24 of Machine Learning

Learned more Haskell and started writing an MLP in it (blog post about that soon).

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Jun 30, 2024

Day 23 of Machine Learning

Nothing done today.

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Jun 29, 2024

Day 22 of Machine Learning

Studied more Haskell.

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Jun 28, 2024

Day 21 of Machine Learning

Learned Haskell and implemented gradient descent.

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Jun 27, 2024

Day 20 of Machine Learning

Friendship ended with Python, Haskell is my new friend.

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Jun 26, 2024

Day 19 of Machine Learning

Nothing done today.

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Jun 25, 2024

Decision Trees - Day 18 of ML

"Machine learning is just a bunch of if-statements under the hood." ...maybe it is!

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Jun 24, 2024

More Properties of Matrices - Day 17 of ML

Continuing with linear algebra: LU decomposition, matrix inverses, transposes and permutation.

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Jun 23, 2024

Day 16 of Machine Learning

Nothing done today.

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Jun 22, 2024

Feature Engineering - Day 15 of ML

Briefly going over some ways to optimize our datasets before feeding them to ML models.

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Jun 21, 2024

Support Vector Machines - Day 14 of ML

Today we're exploring an elegant classification model - the Support Vector Machine (SVM).

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Jun 20, 2024

Day 13 of Machine Learning

Did my first Kaggle competition and looked further into SVMs

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Jun 19, 2024

Day 12 of Machine Learning

Didn't do anything basically. A plan for the upcoming days.

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Jun 18, 2024

Day 11 of Machine Learning

I looked into SVMs and decision trees.

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Jun 17, 2024

Elementary Matrices - Day 10 of ML

A brief look into elementary matrices.

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Jun 16, 2024

Day 9 of Machine Learning

Didn't write anything down. Did some exercises but slacked off otherwise

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Jun 15, 2024

Matrices - Day 8 of ML

Continuing with linear algebra.

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Jun 14, 2024

The Start of The Linear Algebra Grind - Day 7 of ML

Exploring systems of linear equations graphically.

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Jun 13, 2024

Gradient Descent - Day 6 of ML

Briefly covering a fundamental ML optimization algorithm.

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Jun 12, 2024

Basic Probability Theory & Bayes' Theorem - Day 5 of ML

Continuing on statistics and probability.

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Jun 11, 2024

Getting Started With Probability and Statistics - Day 4 of ML

First part of the code-centric approach to stats series.

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Jun 10, 2024

Linear & Logistic Regression - Day 3 of ML

What if you wanted to fit a line into data?

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Jun 9, 2024

Integrals & Riemann sums - Day 2 of ML

Looking into integrals and Riemann sums.

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Jun 8, 2024

Brushing Up Calculus - Day 1 of ML

Revisiting what I've studied in calculus before - limits and derivatives.

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Jun 7, 2024

Becoming a Cracked Engineer - Day 0 of ML

The start of my plan to become a machine learning engineer.

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